Electric vs. Gas Vehicles: Which is Better for You

Electric vs. Gas Vehicles: Which is Best for You?

Electric vs. Gas Vehicles: Which is Better for You?

Benefits of Driving an EV

Electric vehicles (EVs) are said to be the future of driving, giving drivers more reasons to switch from traditionally gas-powered cars to EVs. They’re advanced, intelligent, and equipped with smart features to keep you and your passengers safe, excited, and confident on the road.

EVs save you money on fuel. They’re powered by high-performance batteries that only need to be charged with electricity. You also have the choice to charge at home or strategically located public charging stations.

Some EVs don’t require long hours to charge fully. If you’re driving a high-performing EV with fast charging capabilities, your electric vehicle’s range will be impressive, allowing you to cover as much as 400 miles in one full charge without the long wait.

EVs are environment-friendly, with zero carbon emission that helps the planet and the environment green. You can also get tax credits, in some cases, when you buy an EV.

Lupient Buick GMC has a vast inventory of EVs, including the 2024 GMC Hummer EV 3X SUV. Visit our dealership in Golden Valley, MN, to learn more.

Advantages of Driving a Gas Vehicle

Despite the popularity of EVs, traditional cars are not going anywhere as they still populate, if not dominate, major roads, businesses, and homes today.

Gas-powered vehicles rely on fuel to run, and you don't need to worry about finding a gas station to fill up as they're located almost everywhere. On top of that, you only need a few minutes to fully charge your car when you stop by to fill up your tank.

If you love long-distance travel, you can have the peace of mind you need, knowing your vehicle can cover more miles than a fully-charged EV. And because gas vehicles have been around for years, you have a vast selection of models to choose from.

At Lupient Buick GMC, we offer a vast inventory of traditional cars in various models, pre-owned and brand-new, including the best gas mileage vehicles. Speak with our friendly staff if you'd like to tour our showrooms or schedule a test drive.

Extra Things to Consider When Making Your Choice

EV and gas vehicle owners enjoy the benefits of driving their respective vehicles but also deal with a few disadvantages.

While EVs are highly efficient cars that use electricity, leading to less wear and tear and resulting in lower maintenance costs in the long run, their electric motors and batteries can be expensive to replace. At the same time, range anxiety is still a common fear among drivers who are hesitant to drive an EV for long-distance trips.

On the other hand, gas vehicle owners have more parts and components to maintain, resulting in more time and money spent on maintenance and repairs over time. They also have to deal with rising gas prices and fuel costs whenever they need to fill their tank.

Are You Going for an EV or a Gas Vehicle?

How you choose the type of car to drive will depend on your driving needs, budget, comfort level, and preferences.

Whether you choose to drive an EV or a gas vehicle, we’ll support you every step of the way by offering the best EVs and gas cars from our vast inventory of premium vehicles. Discover our line of high-quality and high-performing trucks, sedans, SUVs, vans, and more.

Speak with our sales and customer service representatives for questions about your preferred model’s availability, pricing, customer specials, financing, leasing, or trade-in options.

Visit Lupient Buick GMC in Golden Valley, MN, and test drive your favorite EV or gas vehicle today!