Checklist items for Fall maintenance service in Go

Checklist items for Fall maintenance service in Golden Valley, MN

Golden Valley Fall Car Maintenance Checklist Items to Remember

Lupient Buick GMC Keeps You on Track

As a Minnesotan, you’re all too familiar with the dramatic change of seasons, especially from fall into winter. You prepare accordingly. Part of that preparation to help keep your day-to-day routines comfortable and uninterrupted needs to include a Fall vehicle maintenance checklist for any and all routine maintenance.

Exposing your vehicle to severe elements when it’s not good and ready can not only create headaches and delays, but costly repair bills. Sticking to routine maintenance at Lupient Buick GMC in Golden Valley is a convenient and very affordable way to enter every season, winter included.

In these next few sections, compare our fall maintenance service checklist to one you may have started yourself. We then encourage you to follow the lead of many other Golden Valley, Minneapolis and Mendota Heights with expert service from Lupient Buick GMC in Golden Valley.

Heating and Cooling System, Fluids and Air Filters

It’s about to get cold in Minnesota. That’s no surprise to anyone. What would be a surprise - an avoidable one, at that - would be heat not functioning properly in your vehicle. One of the key checklist items to include when planning your cold weather maintenance schedule is the functionality of your heating and A/C unit.

There is also the matter of good visibility and the protection of your vehicle’s glass. When you bring your car into the service department of Lupient Buick GMC, we will check all fluid levels, including washer fluid to create easier surfaces for windshield wiper blades to flow across.

Other checklist items we, well, check off the list is the quantity and quality of your engine oil and oil filters. For more important tips on fall maintenance service with Lupient Buick GMC in Golden Valley, please check out the next section.

Battery, Tires and Safety Features

It’s likely that in the coming months, your vehicle will cover some rigid ground. Even if you stick to paved, flat service, few things are more important to vehicle safety than good, healthy tires. Big checklist item!

When you bring your Buick, GMC or other vehicle into the service center at Lupient Buick GMC, we thoroughly check the tire pressure, condition and tread depth on your car, truck or SUV.

As part of our commitment to driver safety, another fall car maintenance checklist item needs to be proper operations of all safety features. Not only did you pay for the features in one way or another, but those features do a pretty darn good job of minimizing or eliminating injury in the form of a potential accident.

In the last section below, learn more about what needs to be checklist item No. 1; choose the Lupient Buick GMC service center for all your maintenance and service.

Lupient Buick GMC is the Ultimate Resource for Car Maintenance Service

If you aren’t certain of how frequently your vehicle needs to be given that TLC, which is typically every 3,000 miles to 5,000 miles, consult the owner manual for recommended service.

Above all else, insist on the best over the rest at the Lupient Buick GMC in Golden Valley service center. Our expertly-trained technicians put their heart and skilled mind into every job. In turn, that builds confidence and comfort for you - the driver.

For all the products or services your vehicle needs to stay in tip-top shape through the fall and into the winter, schedule your appointment with Golden Valley’s gold-star service center, Lupient Buick GMC.